
Compliance and standards

HARMAN is committed to creating a work environment in which all individuals are treated universally with respect and dignity — without exception. We take seriously efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking, and we address them aggressively through internal human resources standards, as well as those set forth in the Supplier Code of Conduct.

  • Beginning in FY2017, HARMAN will be adding a mandatory compliance course for the early career level through the executive level population including the CEO.
  • HARMAN is currently in the process of vetting vendors to provide human trafficking and child labor supplier monitoring starting in FY2017.
  • HARMAN maintains channels for any person to report concerns to compliance and assures robust follow-up on all allegations brought to our attention.
  • All employees receive a copy of the Employee Code of Conduct in their local language upon hire and are obligated to confirm receipt and agree to comply with all outlined policies and guidelines.
  • No fines have been levied against HARMAN for non-compliance with laws and regulations related to use of products and services.

HARMAN publishes the following associated policies and standards:


With our global operational presence and unwavering commitment to responsible business practices, we use guidance developed through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to build internal management systems. Many of the elements reflected in the suite of ISO guidance documents have been incorporated into HARMAN’s quality, energy, social, safety and environmental programs and management approach.

HARMAN is dedicated to driving continual improvement in environmental performance as prescribed in ISO 14001. These efforts include a worldwide Environmental Management System at HARMAN facilities. To date, HARMAN has achieved external certification under ISO 14001 at several key operating locations. Our corporate environmental policy also includes provisions that set worldwide standards for operations at all HARMAN facilities and suppliers.

HARMAN has selected the following criteria in the SA8000 standards as our primary focus: Child Labor Forced Labor (which includes human trafficking), Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining, Health & Safety, Discrimination, Disciplinary Practices, Working Hours and Compensation.

HARMAN strives to ensure our customers’ privacy is always protected when using our software. There have been no substantiated complaints received regarding breaches of customer privacy and/or losses of customer data.

HARMAN only engages with reputable firms and requires all external recruiting agreements to be reviewed by Procurement and Recruiting. Starting in FY2017, a new Compliance Course this year on Human Trafficking is required all employees specialist and above.*

*HARMAN Global Grade 10+

Conflict minerals

We depend on our suppliers for key production materials, including petroleum, copper, steel, aluminum, synthetic resins, rare metals and rare earth minerals, such as neodymium used in the production of loudspeakers. The supply of these raw materials has been and could continue to be significantly constrained. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act included disclosure requirements regarding the use of “conflict” minerals mined from the Democratic Republic of Congo and adjoining countries (“DRC”) and procedures regarding a manufacturer’s efforts to prevent the sourcing of such “conflict” minerals. Our suppliers are screened for adherence to DRC “conflict free” components and parts. This may present a risk for us to obtain DRC conflict free products or supplies in sufficient quantities or at competitive prices for our operations.

HARMAN expects our suppliers to work with us to reach “DRC conflict free” status. We expect our suppliers, at a minimum, to:

  • Establish a conflict mineral policy consistent with HARMAN’s Conflict Minerals Policy;
  • Complete HARMAN’s Conflict Minerals survey, identifying products they sell to HARMAN and the smelter that provided the original conflict minerals; and
  • On an annual basis, provide a report to support HARMAN’s SEC reporting requirements.
Health and safety

Our official policies meet rigorous industry and regulatory standards. HARMAN’s management approach to employee health and safety is embedded in our TS 16949 (quality management system) and ISO 14001 (environmental management system). It also includes elements of OSHAS 18001.

HARMAN’s environmental, health and safety programs provide a sustainable framework for our operations and allow us to make sound decisions in response to internal and external health and safety factors. We have key processes in place to implement plans, monitor action and review management of operations to ensure compliance with relevant standards within and outside the organization.