Dinesh C. Paliwal
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
HARMAN is a company of action. We love cars, and we work with automakers all over the world to design connected car and sound management solutions that elevate the driving experience in every way. We love music, and we invest millions in R&D to develop technologies and products for the artists who create music and the listeners and concert goers who want to hear the music as the artist intended. And we love to find new ways to improve the workplace by introducing software and systems that enhance enterprises in all sectors.
When it comes to sustainability, our commitment is just as strong and our pace just as fast, thanks to our 29,000 people around the world who are constantly identifying new processes and practices to reduce our environmental footprint and increase our positive social impacts. In addition to our own high standards and ambitious goals, we are committed to public accountability and transparency, which is reflected by our continued support of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). We commit to making the UNGC and its ten principles regarding human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption part of our business strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations at HARMAN.
HARMAN’s 2016 biennial sustainability report, Actions Speak Louder, focuses on our efforts and outcomes. Equally as important, it highlights the people who are driving these accomplishments. I’d like to offer special recognition to our cross-functional and multi-divisional Sustainability Council, which ensures that sustainability principles and best practices are built into everything we do.
While this report highlights our progress to date, our global commitment to sustainability is always growing. From the manufacturing floor to our engineering labs to the board room, HARMAN is putting sustainable practices into action to improve our company, enhance our communities and generate maximum customer value and shareholder returns. On behalf of the HARMAN senior leadership team, I hope you enjoy this report and appreciate our stories. There’s no one better to tell them than through the people who are living them.