HARMAN reports on our sustainability performance using the Global Reporting Initiative G4 reporting guidelines, which strive for transparency and comparability in corporate sustainability reporting.

Cross references and stated omissions

Specific Standard Disclosures: Indicators

GRI G4 Material AspectIndicatorIndicator DescriptionDMA^/Indicator Cross ReferenceOmissions and ExplanationsUNGC Cross-Reference
Economic PerformanceG4-EC1Direct economic value generated and distributed.Key data summary
People - Our communities
2016 Form 10-K
Economic value distributed is not included in this report. The accurate quantification of operating costs, payments, and employee wages and benefits under development for future reporting.
Market PresenceG4-EC6*Proportion of senior management hired from the local community at significant locations of operationPeople - Our employeesSignificant locations of operation refers to certain research and development facilities and non-manufacturing locations such as legacy Symphony Teleca operations. Since HARMAN operates in cities all over the world, it is difficult to define "local."
Procurement PracticesG4-EC9*Proportion of spending on local suppliers at significant locations of operationsOperations - Supply chainSignificant locations of operation refers to certain research and development facilities and non-manufacturing locations such as legacy Symphony Teleca operations. Since HARMAN operates in cities all over the world, it is difficult to define "local."
ComplianceG4-EN29Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws or regulations.Key data summary
Operations - Compliance and standards
There have been zero fines or non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws or regulations.Principles 7,9
Supplier Environmental AwarenessG4-EN32Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteriaOperations
Supplier Code of Conduct
New suppliers are required to adhere to a Supplier Code of Conduct, however active screening of conformance is not currently conducted.Principle 8
Social - Labor Practices and Decent WorkExpand
EmploymentG4-LA1Total number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender, and regionPeople - Recruitment and diversity
Key data summary
Operations - Supply chain
HARMAN does not track employee new hires and turnover by gender.Principle 6
Occupational Health and SafetyG4-LA5Percentage of total workforce represented in formal and joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programsPeople - Health and safetyManagement-worker health and safety committees operate at the facility level.Principle 3
G4-LA6Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and genderPeople - Health and safety
Key data summary
HARMAN does not track employee injury rates by gender at this time. HARMAN does not track occupational disease rate and absentee rate at this time.
G4-LA8*Health and Safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unionsPeople - Health and safetyPrinciple 3
Training and EducationG4-LA11Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and employee categoryPeople - Learning and developmentHARMAN does not track career development reviews by gender at this time.Principle 6
Diversity and Equal OpportunityG4-LA12Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversityGeneral Disclosure - Governance
HARMAN Board of Directors
People - Recruitment and diversity
HARMAN does not track of diversity statistics by gender, age and minority group for the governance body and by specific employee category at this time.Principle 6
Supplier Assessment for Labor PracticesG4-LA14Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using labor practices criteriaOperations - Supply chain
Supplier Code of Conduct
Supply Chain Policies
New suppliers are required to adhere to a Supplier Code of Conduct, however active screening of conformance is not currently conducted.Principle 4
Human RightsExpand
Child LaborG4-HR5*Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the effected abolition of child laborOperations
Modern Slavery Statement
Supply Chain Policies
HARMAN Code of Conduct
Principle 5
Forced or Compulsory LaborG4-HR6*Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory laborOperations
Modern Slavery Statement
Supply Chain Policies
HARMAN Code of Conduct
Principle 4
Supplier Human Rights AssessmentG4-HR10Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteriaOperations - Supply chain
Supplier Code of Conduct
Supply Chain Policies
New suppliers are required to adhere to a Supplier Code of Conduct, however active screening of conformance is not currently conducted.Principle 1
Principle 2
Human Rights Grievance MechanismsG4-HR12*Number of grievances about human rights impacts filed through formal grievance mechanismsOperations - Compliance and standardsThere have been zero grievances filed in FY2016.Principle 1
Social - SocietyExpand
Anti-CorruptionG4-SO4Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and proceduresWhy it matters - Compliance
Supply Chain Policies
HARMAN Code of Conduct
The Board of Directors has received communication and been trained on HARMAN's anti-corruption policies.Principle 10
Social - Product ResponsibilityExpand
Customer Health and SafetyG4-PR1Percentage of significant product and service categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvementInnovationHealth and Safety impacts are taken into account for HARMAN products. HARMAN does not currently calculate percentages associated with these impacts.
Marketing CommunicationsG4-PR6*Sale of banned or disputed productsHARMAN does not sell banned or disputed products.
Customer PrivacyG4-PR8*Total number of substantiated complaints received regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer dataInnovation - ProductsAt the time of this report, there have been zero substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy or losses of customer data.
ComplianceG4-PR9*Total monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and servicesOperations - Compliance and standardsThere have been zero fines associated with non-compliance in FY2016.

* Indicators not defined as "material" in HARMAN's 2014 Materiality Assessment and not included in the 2014 Sustainability Report.

^ Indicates cross-references to Disclosures on Management Approach (DMA) and additional information on indicators.

The following indicators were not identified as "material" during our 2016 Materiality Assessment. In order to facilitate comparability, we are reporting on these indicators as a continuation of our previously released 2014 Sustainability Report and in an effort to remain transparent. We believe these indicators are important to our internal operations and business as well as to our stakeholders.

GRI G4 Material AspectIndicatorIndicator DescriptionIndicator Cross ReferenceOmissions and ExplanationsUNGC Cross-Reference
EnergyG4-EN3Energy consumption within the organizationKey data summary
Operations - Impact - Energy
2015 CDP Climate Disclosure
The 2016 report includes data from certain research and development facilities and non-manufacturing locations such as legacy Symphony Teleca operations. In FY2017, HARMAN will evaluate the scope of operations and prepare a more formal approach for future metrics reporting.Principles 7,8
G4-EN5Energy IntensityKey data summary
Operations - Impact - Energy
Principle 8
G4-EN6Reduction of Energy Consumption - achieved as a direct result of conservation and efficiency initiativesImpact - EnergyPrinciple 8
G4-EN7Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesInnovation - Our product designPrinciples 8, 9
WaterG4-EN8Total water withdrawal by sourceKey data summary
Operations - Impact - Water
Accurate quantification of historical water withdrawal data globally has been a challenge. The Key Data Summary lists locations where data is not available for the reporting period. In FY2017, we will evaluate our scope of operations and prepare a formal approach for future metrics reporting.Principles 7,8
EmissionsG4-EN15Direct Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 1)Key data summary
Operations - Impact - Climate
2015 CDP Climate Disclosure
The 2016 report includes data from certain research and development facilities and non-manufacturing locations such as legacy Symphony Teleca operations.Principles 7,8
G4-EN16Energy Indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 2)Key data summary
Operations - Impact - Climate
2015 CDP Climate Disclosure
The 2016 report includes data from certain research and development facilities and non-manufacturing locations such as legacy Symphony Teleca operations.Principles 7,8
G4-EN17Other Indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 3)Key data summary
Operations - Impact - Climate
2015 CDP Climate Disclosure
HARMAN began reporting Scope 3 emissions in FY2014; data for previous years is not available.Principle 8
G4-EN18Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions IntensityKey data summary
Operations - Impact - Climate
2015 CDP Climate Disclosure
Intensity is calculated by dividing emissions by net sales.Principle 8
G4-EN19Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) EmissionsOperations - Impact - Climate
2015 CDP Climate Disclosure
Principles 8,9
Effluents and WasteG4-EN23Total weight of waste by type and disposal methodKey data summary
Operations - Impact - Waste generation and recycling
Accurate quantification of historical solid waste data globally has been a challenge. The Key Data Summary lists locations where data is not available for the reporting period. In FY2017, we will evaluate our scope of operations and prepare a formal approach for future metrics reporting.Principles 8,9
Products and ServicesG4-EN27Extent of impact mitigation of environmental impacts of products and servicesInnovation - Our product designPrinciples 7,8,9
Local CommunitiesG4-SO1Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programsPeople - CommunitiesHARMAN has various programs that involve engagement within the communities we operate; however, HARMAN does not currently track operational engagement percentages.
Supplier Assessment for Impacts on SocietyG4-SO9Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using criteria for impacts on societyOperations - Supply chain
Supplier Code of Conduct
Supply Chain Policies
New suppliers are required to adhere to a Supplier Code of Conduct, however active screening of conformance is not currently conducted.