
HARMAN holds itself to the highest standards of conduct and accountability.

Our Company’s core values and culture embody a commitment to ethical business practices and good corporate citizenship.

Internal accountability standards

An integral part of our corporate Code of Ethics, it is the policy of HARMAN that each of its employees, senior officers and Board members shall be accountable for complying with federal, state and local laws applicable to HARMAN as well as those of private and public regulatory agencies.

HARMAN’s Code of Ethics further requires its employees to proactively promote ethical behavior among subordinates and peers, and to promptly report any violations internally.

We expect our suppliers to meet these high standards as well. A violation of our Code of Conduct by a supplier is considered a breach of HARMAN’s Standard Terms and Conditions, potentially leading to a termination of our relationship.

Employee ethics

HARMAN takes its ethical responsibilities seriously. We conduct regular employee ethics and compliance training to reinforce these tenets in our workforce. Where warranted, we also institute additional training programs specifically targeting HARMAN’s supply chain partners on issues of human rights and labor.

We stand by our commitment to transparency and ethical behavior and hold ourselves accountable to our employees. HARMAN provides employees telephone hotline, intranet and mailbox channels to facilitate reporting of suspected violations of its ethics, governance and human rights policies. All reports are kept confidential and are investigated by the Company’s General Counsel and/or Audit Committee.

Statement on Human Rights

HARMAN is committed to developing an organizational culture that acknowledges and respects the principles contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Our commitment to the realization of human rights is embedded in the Company’s environmental and social responsibility policies. HARMAN supports the multilateral efforts in supporting human rights through, and is a signatory to, the United Nations Global Compact.

HARMAN Human Rights Statement reflects the Company’s commitment to conduct its business in a manner consistent with these principles and to protect human rights within the Company’s sphere of influence, including our employees, suppliers and contractors and communities where we operate.

Whistleblower Reporting Policy

The Company provides telephone hotline, intranet and mailbox channels to employees for reporting of suspected violations of its ethics, governance and Human Rights policies. All reports are kept confidential and are investigated by the Company's General Counsel and/or Audit Committee. Depending on the grievance, the Audit Committee and/or the Nominating and Governance Committee of the Board of Directors is provided, at regular intervals, with a report on messages received and the results of any investigation.

Reporting a Concern – Confidential and Anonymous Grievance Concern Hotline